Function: Metallurgy
"You're only as strong as I want you to be."
Skilled in many ways of making metal frail and brittle. Rust can leave even the strongest warrior in ruins. She doesn't seem to care for anything or anyone, she escaped from the wrath of the Decepticons after she tried to assassinate Galvatron, and take his place as leader. She tries to keep her distance from the Huntercons knowing they'll try to kill her any chance they get. Gets her kicks out of watching victims crumble to dust after she'd given them a does of her powerful rust enducing chemicals.
In robot mode, she has two seedis blasters on her arms, which overcharge particles in an opponents structure, causing it rust almost immediatly. Also uses liquid nitrogen and other chemicals to defeat her opponent. In jet form, Rust can reach a top speed of mach 2, and launch seedis gas bombs, which can leave an entire platoon of warriors in ruin.
Rust is not very strong in either mode, and is easily dealt with when she doesn't have her toys to help her. She is also vunrable to her own weapons should they backfire, or an opponent manages to deflect them back at her.