Twisted both in mind and body, and with a war in progress, Spire could no longer function in his previous posting in cyberspace espionage. His bizzare blend of genius and insanity, though common in the ranks of command, was of little use on the front lines. He was soon discovered by Xaraxus himself, who saw in him a potent weapon against LONAC's highly computer oriented commander.
Spire is the cyberspace equivalent to a berzerker warrior, leaving wanton destruction in his wake wherever he goes. Though he occasionally has lucid moments, Spire is mostly driven by an unreasoning need to destroy and the deep burning desire to utterly destroy whoever or whatever made him the way he is.
Though his design would seem to suggest an aerial alternate mode of some sort, the malfunction in his self repair systems that disfigured him also robbed him of his second mode. Spire has compensated for this though by installing additional weaponry and equipment to an extent not usually possible in a Cybertronian of his size. A portrait of insanity and rage, Spire is a terrifying sight to behold, whether it is an encounter face to face, the endless expanse of cyberspace, or the dark, endless passageways and corridors of nightmare.